-This is a private video (about an hour long) in which I analyze your chart in detail. Areas I cover include general personality traits / themes, past life themes, challenges, career, and romance.
-💲The cost of this reading is $100 (USD)
-💻Check out these example birth chart readings.
❗Birth time must be correct or within 10 minutes of the correct time, and location must be within a 100 mile radius of the correct birth location, in order to guarantee my highest degree of accuracy. Accuracy in these readings can be hard to measure but generally I'm told I am at least 90% - 95% accurate. Your own discernment is required.
❗Birth time must be correct or within 10 minutes of the correct time, and location must be within a 100 mile radius of the correct birth location, in order to guarantee my highest degree of accuracy. Accuracy in these readings can be hard to measure but generally I'm told I am at least 90% - 95% accurate. Your own discernment is required.
📧Email me at manic.mercurian@gmail.com with your birth date, time, and place to request your reading.
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