Thank you so much for my husband's reading! That was fascinating. And you really hit the nail on the head in so many ways. I found the reading to be very valuable for my studying personally. Helped me understand his chart more. and for him, I think it was just validating to see "ok this is apart of who I am and that's ok". I know I felt the same way as he did when you read my chart. It's just nice to know that there's a bigger correlation as to why we are the way we are as individuals. And astrology kind of gives us the permission to just BE ourselves. It's so valuable for both of us during some hard times we've been facing.
In September 2012, I was a skeptic of astrology. My intention was to learn only enough about astrology to confidently disprove it--little did I know just how deep that rabbit hole would take me. It's been over 12 years now, and I am still learning more and more. I have become completely infatuated with this subject. I am now committed to share the information I have gathered, and to continue to share more insight as I find it along the way. My heart really goes out to all the others who are making an effort to become more self aware and so I feel it is my duty to assist in the journeys of others as best I can, because ultimately, it is a part of my own journey to do so.
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